General Descriptions

It is an FDA-approved treatment used in a procedure called sclerotherapy. It is administered by a health care provider in an office setting to treat two types of veins in the lower extremities:
-Uncomplicated spider veins (very small varicose veins ≤ 1 mm in diameter).
-Small uncomplicated varicose veins (1 to 3 mm in diameter) known as reticular veins.

How do we do it

The product is injected into the affected vein and works by damaging the inner wall of the vein. This damage eventually causes the vein to collapse and over time, the damaged vein is replaced with tissue.

The product is injected into the affected vein and it functions by damaging the inner wall of the same vein. This damage eventually causes the vein to collapse and over time, the damaged vein is replaced with tissue.

How many treatment sessions are necessary

Immediately after the procedure is completed, the individual will be encouraged to walk regularly. Except for exercise, most patients return to their normal activities upon leaving the doctor’s office. Strenuous lifting or strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least two weeks.

The practitioner also recommends the patient to wear a compression garment on the treated leg for one to two weeks after the procedure with the aim of improving blood circulation, minimizing swelling, providing support and promoting healing. Finally, it is recommended to limit the exposure to the sun to avoid developing scars at the injection sites or dark spots in the treatment area.

Regarding results, they vary depending on the patient and the degree of progression of vein disease, underlying circulation problems, the size of the spider or varicose veins, and the number of diseased veins being treated. However, most of the clinic’s patients have fantastic results with sclerotherapy. For example, if spider or small varicose veins were treated, the patient can expect to feel immediate relief from leg pain and should see the treated veins completely disappear in three to six weeks. Larger varicose veins can take up to four months to completely resolve. Most patients achieve phenomenal, permanent results with just two to three sclerotherapy treatment sessions.