Sun Damage

We use the GentleMax laser which is approved by the FDA to successfully treat most benign pigmented lesions in as few as one session. 
Post treatment and results
Sunblock is highly recommended to be used specially while having this treatment in order to prevent hyperpigmentation.  The area treated may have some crusting which will fall off in the coming days together with the pigment of the lesion. The use of moisturizers is also recommended after treatment of the area.  Some individuals may require more than one session but typically for a benign pigmented lesion one session is enough. 


Secret™ RF is a novel approach to delivering fractional radiofrequency (RF) energy to all layers of the skin with minimal damage to the skin's surface. The multi-layered treatment is tailored to each individual and addresses their unique skin problem during each customized treatment. The Secret™ RF treatment is ideal for improving aging skin, photodamage, fine lines and wrinkles on the face and neck, scars, acne scars, skin quality and stretch marks. 
How many treatment sessions are needed?
Generally 3 sessions are required being the second session performed after a month. In cases of acne severe scars or stretch marks, which are deeper marks, 1 to 2 more sessions are usually needed to obtain the desired results.
Post-recovery and results
Downtime: mild redness the day after treatment which resolves in less than 24 hours if treatment was done on the face. When treatment is done on the body you may see some markings for 1 week or 2 weeks. The face heals quicker therefore faster recovery.  You may apply make-up after 24 hours. The specialist combines the treatment with Exosomes, PRP, Tranexamic acid or Hyaluronic Acid  depending on the need of each patient and for a faster and more precise result.  Results are seen at 3 months from the last session and continue on changing for 6 months.  Collagen will continue to be lost as a part of normal aging therefore, we recommend maintenance treatments are every 12 months to keep up with the result.

Medical Skin Care

  SKinceuticals             Skinceuticals (aquí poner antes y después de fotos con personas que tengan mejoría con las manchas y poner fotos de los productos si es necesario)       2.  Jan Marini            Jan Marini Skin Research  (aquí poner antes y después de fotos con personas que tengan mejoría con las manchas y poner fotos de los productos si es necesario)


PRP is a treatment that involves a sample of the patient’s blood which has been centrifuged and separates the red blood cells from the plasma, resulting in a plasma enriched with a higher concentration of platelets than normal. Plasma contains platelets that, when injected into hair, skin, joints, etc., creates an inflammatory response that attracts stem cells to repair damaged tissue. Once the centrifugation process is completed, the PRP is extracted from the remaining blood sample and injected into treated areas or applied topical.
How many treatment sessions are needed?
The protocol with Platelet Rich Plasma is specific for each patient depending on the aging degree and the characteristics of their skin; usually the proposal is 3 sessions spaced one month apart.
Post-Recovery and Results
Results also vary depending on different factors. For example, the type of centrifuge and collecting tubes being used. Here at AMIS Med Spa, we focus on having the best in the market that gives consistent results. Our specialists use a swing bucket centrifuge which is the same kind used by Orthopedic physicians to inject PRP into the knee, because it gives the highest platelet concentration 6x or more concentration than your typical centrifuge. The collection tubes are specifically made to separate with ease the platelets from the rest of the blood without damaging them. On the day of the plasma application it is not recommended to sunbathe or apply creams directly to avoid any local infection. After the therapy, it is not advisable to go to saunas or to the gym immediately afterwards. Do not wear make-up during the first 24 hours. Do not expose yourself to the sun. Overall, the results of platelet-rich plasma are visible 20-30 days after the first session, however, from the first few days, improvement is already beginning to be seen.
More facts
 Applications: Cosmetic Topical Treatments Skin Revitalization Reduction in the Appearance of Acne Scars Reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles Tighten Pores and Increase Elasticity

GentleMax Pro Laser

We use the GentleMax laser which is approved by the FDA to successfully treat most benign pigmented lesions in as few as one session.
Post treatment and results:
Sunblock is highly recommended to be used specially while having this treatment in order to prevent hyperpigmentation.  The area treated may have some crusting which will fall off in the coming days together with the pigment of the lesion. The use of moisturizers is also recommended after treatment of the area.  Some individuals may require more than one session but typically for a benign pigmented lesion one session is enough.


Before and After

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