Dermal Fillers

Here at AMIS MedSpa, we use a range of hyaluronic acid fillers like : Juvederm, Versa,  Restylane, PLLA and fillers like: Sculptra and biostimulating ones like Radiesse. Hyaluronic Acid is the main ingredient behind JUVEDERM, Restylane and Versa. Receiving this treatment helps add volume to different areas of the face without surgery. It is used to give structure, shape and hydration to the skin. It also temporarily restores the loss of volume below the surface that we lose with aging. There are many types of Hyaluronic Acid Filler varying from duration, cohesiveness and consistency.  Hyaluronic Acid Fillers add contour, definition and plumpness to areas so patients can look years younger without plastic surgery.
Who can have Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers done?
Having HA fillers is a personal choice. Anyone can have HA Fillers young, older, male and female patients. First step is to get a personalized consultation with our medical provider who will develop your personalized plan and treatment options.
How we do it
In the consultation, the medical provider will evaluate which areas of the face are best suited to apply Hyaluronic Acid fillers, according to the patient's needs. There are many types of HA fillers and not all fillers can go anywhere, therefore it is very important to go to an experienced provider that knows which one is best suited for your aesthetic goal and  for optimal results. Topical anesthesia will be provided for comfort and a less painful experience. The medical provider takes extra measures to ensure that the patient's experience is optimized and the chances of swelling are reduced. Next, the medical provider will use a fine needle or cannula to inject the facial filler under the skin, these injections are virtually painless and only take a few minutes to be completed.  We take extra measures to do this procedure safely and accurately. Your experience will be seamless. 
Reduce Fine lines and wrinkles Contour  Volumize  Define  Hydration Restore youthful appearance 
The areas that can be treated are
Lips  Nasolabial folds Marionette lines  Under eye hollowing Cheeks Temporal area Nose  Hands Buttock and more
How many treatment sessions are needed?
Dermal fillers such as Juvéderm, Restylane or Versa provide immediate noticeable results, usually each patient may need 1 or 2 sessions depending on treatment plan. 
Post-recovery and results
For a proper recovery, avoid makeup for 12 hours after treatment and minimize strenuous exercise, prolonged exposure to sun or heat, and alcoholic beverages within the first 24 hours after treatment, as they can cause temporary redness, swelling or itching at the injection site. HA fillers are an excellent alternative to surgery because you can see wonderful results immediately and are optimized in 1 month. 
describe hansel


RADIESSE® and RADIESSE® (+) are dermal fillers that are used for smoothing moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds (the creases that extend from the corner of your nose to the corner of the mouth). RADIESSE® is also used for correcting volume loss in the back of the hands.
How we do it
With an ultrafine needle, Radiesse is distributed in subdermal tracts.
Who can have Radiesse done?
Radiesse filler can benefit anyone who would love to correct the signs of aging, create collagen and enhance their natural beauty. A consultation is done prior to injection just to make sure that patients are a candidate for this. Anyone can have it no matter the skin type, all adults of all ages and all genders.
How many treatment sessions are needed?
Each Radiesse session lasts approximately 30 minutes. The patient needs from 1 to 3 sessions per year, depending on the extent of the area to be treated.
Benefits and Areas that can be treated
Cheeks Jawline Reduces Skin Laxity  Non-surgical Brazilian Butt lift Hand skin laxity and skin thinning
Post-recovery and results
This treatment stimulates the production of collagen in a natural manner. That is why the results of the treatment are so favorable.  The process is fast, in approximately 15-30 minutes you can improve the appearance of the face with a totally comfortable procedure. Thanks to its organic composition, there is no risk of allergic reaction. This collagen generator achieves a great aesthetic change visible from the first days and it is not fully manifested until 3 months after the intervention. Leave aside the unsightly wrinkles and get a facial rejuvenation with Radiesse at Amis Med Spa, the advanced dermal filler treatment that will erase your expression lines!


Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that helps gradually replace the collagen loss ,which is the most common protein in the body used for the building of a framework in order to support cells and tissues. Sculptra is made with biocompatible, biodegradable, synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid, which is gradually and naturally absorbed by the body and it helps to rebuild collagen loss through a series of treatments administered by a trained specialist.
Benefits and Areas that can be treated
As a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulator, Sculptra helps restore the deep, underlying structure of the skin to diminish facial wrinkles. Sculptra works with the body within the deep dermis to help revitalize collagen production and help restore skin’s inner structure and volume. As the Sculptra PLLA microparticles are absorbed, they help stimulate collagen production. Sculptra  stimulates collagen growth which helps to restore facial volume and the look of fullness to wrinkles and folds over time. Reduces facial volume loss Used in non-surgical brazilian butt lift  Stimulates collagen in specific areas of concern Cellulite reduction Reduces abdomen laxity
How we do it
On the day of your treatment, your skin will be thoroughly cleansed. Then, once Sculptra is properly prepared, your medical provider will inject in areas of concern with a cannula or a needle depending on the treatment plan. Patients will see an immediate increase in volume. After 24 hours this will start to lower, it is due to the sterile water needed to mix with Sculptra. Your body will absorb the sterile water and leave behind the poly-L-lactic acid and this will then promote collagen production in the area.  Patients mostly have minimal to no discomfort with this procedure and may return to normal activities in 24 hours or less. 
Who can have Sculptra done?
Sculptra can benefit anyone who would love to correct the signs of aging, create collagen and enhance their natural beauty. A consultation is done prior to injection just to make sure that patients are a candidate for this. Anyone can have it no matter the skin type, all adults of all ages and all genders. 
How many treatment sessions are needed?
Sculptra produces a progressive and natural improvement, which requires several treatment sessions. On average, 3 sessions in consecutive months are recommended. Logically, each case must be individually assessed by a physician to establish the most convenient number of treatments.
Post-recovery and results
Patients might return to work and daily activities immediately after the procedure is done. Some of the results include the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines. The procedure can boost the patient’s collagen development and it provides long-term natural-looking results. Moreover, it is hypoallergenic, smoothing the skin texture. It is a minimally invasive treatment with virtually no downtime!

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid is the main ingredient behind JUVEDERM, Restylane and Versa. Receiving this treatment helps add volume to different areas of the face without surgery. It is used to give structure, shape and hydration to the skin. It also temporarily restores the loss of volume below the surface that we lose with aging. There are many types of Hyaluronic Acid Filler varying from duration, cohesiveness and consistency.  Hyaluronic Acid Fillers add contour, definition and plumpness to areas so patients can look years younger without plastic surgery.
Who can have Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers done?
 Having HA fillers is a personal choice. Anyone can have HA Fillers young, older, male and female patients. First step is to get a personalized consultation with our medical provider who will develop your personalized plan and treatment options.
How we do it
In the consultation, the medical provider will evaluate which areas of the face are best suited to apply Hyaluronic Acid fillers, according to the patient's needs. There are many types of HA fillers and not all fillers can go anywhere, therefore it is very important to go to an experienced provider that knows which one is best suited for your aesthetic goal and  for optimal results. Topical anesthesia will be provided for comfort and a less painful experience. The medical provider takes extra measures to ensure that the patient's experience is optimized and the chances of swelling are reduced. Next, the medical provider will use a fine needle or cannula to inject the facial filler under the skin, these injections are virtually painless and only take a few minutes to be completed.  We take extra measures to do this procedure safely and accurately. Your experience will be seamless.
Reduce Fine lines and wrinkles Contour  Volumize  Define  Hydration Restore youthful appearance
The areas that can be treated are:
Lips Nasolabial folds Marionette lines Under eye hollowing Cheeks Temporal area Nose  Hands Buttock and more
How many treatment sessions are needed?
Dermal fillers such as Juvéderm, Restylane or Versa provide immediate noticeable results, usually each patient may need 1 or 2 sessions depending on treatment plan.
Post-recovery and results
For a proper recovery, avoid makeup for 12 hours after treatment and minimize strenuous exercise, prolonged exposure to sun or heat, and alcoholic beverages within the first 24 hours after treatment, as they can cause temporary redness, swelling or itching at the injection site. HA fillers are an excellent alternative to surgery because you can see wonderful results immediately and are optimized in 1 month.


Before and After

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