Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Hormone therapy is the use of hormones to treat and restore hormone balance within the human body. Hormone imbalance can occur for a variety of reasons, but is most commonly associated with aging. There are different types of hormones that may need to replenished. For example estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormones.
Hormone Imbalance Symptoms can affect Anyone
The more common causes of hormonal balance tend to produce the following symptoms in both men and women - Unexplained Weight Gain or Weight Loss - Brittle or Weak Bones - Poor Sleep - Irritability or Anxiety - Long Term Fatigue w/o Reason - Headaches - Low Libido Low Sex Drive
- Very Dry Skin or Skin Rashes
- Changes in Sensitivity to Cold and Heat
- Unexplained or Excessive Sweating

The list of symptoms goes on and on, which is why it’s important you speak with your trusted medical provider to see if your symptoms are indicative of hormonal imbalance.
Synthetic vs. Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses bioidentical hormones derived from natural sources and compounded to be an exact structural match to the hormones inside the human body.

Synthetic hormones are often derived from animals and combined with chemicals to create a hormone therapy that is similar, but not exactly like human hormones.

The natural ingredients combined with the molecular match allows bioidentical hormones to fit into human hormone receptors exactly as naturally-occurring hormones. This feature ensures the safety and efficacy of the treatment. With synthetic hormones, the molecular structure is merely similar, causing the body to struggle with recognition of the substance and, therefore, causing side effects and poor outcomes.

In the past, most research into hormone therapy focused on synthetic hormones, but as the effectiveness of bioidentical hormone therapy has become renowned, researchers are turning their attention to BHRT. Bioidentical hormones have been heralded as a natural hormone therapy option and are effective for disease prevention as well as eliminating uncomfortable symptoms that often occur as part of the aging process.
Pellet Therapy
Pellet therapy is among the oldest forms of hormone therapy, dating back to the 1930s. With the many advancements in technology, pellet therapy is now considered the most effective delivery method of hormone therapy and the preferred option among patients and providers.

Pellet therapy is available for estradiol and testosterone hormone replacement. The hormone is compounded into a tiny pellet and inserted into the upper layer of skin, just above the buttocks. Aside from the convenience of never having to remember to take a pill, slather on cream, or put on a patch, this delivery method is the most optimal for a natural dosing structure and bioavailability. Pellet therapy mimics the slow, steady dosing that occurs naturally within the ovaries or testicles of the human body. Your doctor will use your lab work, symptom assessment, lifestyle, and reaction to the therapy to achieve an optimal prescription. Pellet therapy is designed to meet the unique needs of the individual, so you get exactly what your body needs, when it needs it–much like nature intended.
Common symptoms of hormone imbalance (women)
- Low libido.
- Hot flashes and night sweats.
- Urinary incontinence and other urinary tract symptoms.
- Vaginal dryness, painful sex.
- Irregular periods.
- Insomnia, fatigue.
- Mood disorders.
- Memory loss, cognitive issues.
- Reduction in bone density.
- Changes in skin health, texture, dryness.
- Weight gain, belly fat.
- Hair loss or growth.
- Acne.
Common symptoms of hormone imbalance (man)
- Muscle Wasting
- Increased Abdominal Fat
- Low to No Energy
- Trouble Sleeping
- Man Boobs
- Hot Flashes in Men
- Night Sweats in Men
- Low Libido
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Hair Loss
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Difficulty Urinating
- Urinating Frequently
- Memory Loss

If you are experiencing one of these symptoms on a frequent basis or multiple symptoms with increasing regularity, it is time to speak with a provider trained and certified in hormone health. EVEXIAS Health Solutions trains providers to assess your symptoms, lab results, and discuss how your life has changed since symptoms began. He/she can develop a complete treatment plan that includes bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, advanced nutraceuticals, and other integrated functional medicine therapies that help reduce stress and lower risk of disease.
How long does HRT with pellets last ?
- Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy with pellets can last anywhere between 4-5 months in women.
- Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy with pellets can last 5-6 months in men.

When should I feel the effects of BHRT with pellets?
- Most patients will feel the effects at 4 weeks after initial insertion.

How can I find out if I have a hormone imbalance?
- The best way to find out if you have hormone imbalance is to call us and have our medical provider perform lab tests to check your hormone levels. Along with the sex hormones our medical provider will also order tests for other important markers related to hormone balance and overall health.
- Testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are but a few of the many vital hormones the body needs to function optimally. Our medical provider may also evaluate thyroid, cortisol, insulin and growth hormone function (among others) when evaluating hormone balance and total body health

Does it hurt?
- At the time of the procedure our medical provider will numb the area with local anesthesia. This will eliminate any pain from the procedure.


Before and After

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